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New corporate entity

We are pleased to announce the creation of a new corporate entity through the incorporation of KAJOOM inc. Simple administrative formality for some, it is for us another step towards the creation of a digital web agency firmly oriented towards the future.

Mike Duggan – City councillor in Gatineau

Mike Duggan, A very special city councilor in Gatineau Mike Duggan is a municipal councilor for the Deschênes District of the City of Gatineau. This district is located in the heart of Aylmer, a small town merged in 2002 in the great Gatineau and founded, like Hull, by Philemon Wright. The population of Aylmer is […]

New English section on kajoom.ca

It’s been a while since we planned to set up an English section to our website: that’s done! Our customers in English Canada, the United States and elsewhere on the globe will be delighted! After all, it is indeed the language of Shakespeare that serves as the language of commerce.