We are pleased to announce the creation of a new corporate entity through the incorporation of KAJOOM inc.

Simple administrative formality for some, it is for us another step towards the creation of a digital web agency firmly oriented towards the future. Read more

On September 27th, a global strike movement for the planet will unfold in Quebec and around the world. The global demonstration movement initiated by young people has spread more widely to all layers of society.

Kajoom is thrilled to see this mobilization and is proud to announce that, in support and solidarity with this initiative, Kajoom will show its support by a symbolic strike on Friday, September 27th, from 12:00 to 13:00.
Read more

We are pleased to introduce Francisco Fernández, new intern in web development at Kajoom. He joined the team over the summer to provide the company with his expertise in areas related to programming and the development of applications and websites. Read more

La brise s’est rafraîchit, le soleil s’est adoucit, septembre est parmi nous avec son lot de nouveautés et de fraîcheur! C’est la rentrée et chez Kajoom, nous sommes prêts à commencer l’année en grand! Notre équipe bouillonne de projets, d’innovations et de changements que nous avons envie de vous partager afin que vous puissiez vous réjouir avec nous! Read more

As environmental issues are on everyone’s lips and the digital world is becoming more and more important in all spheres of our lives, it is essential to ensure that the environmental impacts of our digital habits stay as low as possible. Well guess what! It’s exactly the mission of Kajoom!

Socio-ecological practices

We are committed to reduce our carbon footprint and we are making every effort to mitigate our impact on the environment. All our decisions and the actions we take are part of a sustainable development approach

Social commitments

We have established a teleworking policy for our team members and we have implemented an innovative approach of work organization in order to save time, reduce costs and reach a better balance between work and personal life with more flexibility.

For the realization of our projects, we also promote collaborative work in pairs, trinomials and diversified teams. By allowing everyone to participate, we believe we increase collective intelligence.

Finally, by maintaining gender equity in our team, we also guarantee equal opportunities at work.

Social responsibility

Every year, we are committed to donate to NPOs and/or innovative start-ups which allow us to give back to society while conveying the values ​​of the company. This year, we chose to contribute to Vert Demain.


Kajoom is based in Quebec where all the energy used comes from hydropower which generates much less greenhouse gases than most of the other sources of energy production.


-Our employees work remotely to minimize travel time, vehicle usage and fuel consumption.
-Business trips are reduced as much as possible and replaced by remote meetings with team members or customers.
The carbon footprint of our travels is therefore minimal and we firmly believe that our society would take advantage in making this practice the norm.


-We are committed to generate as least waste as possible. Thus, our servers are recycled at the end of their life and our computers are donated to associations that create new parts.
-We also privilege dematerialization by avoiding as much as we can to print invoices, documents or archives.

Choice of partners

Then, Kajoom has its servers stored at OVH, an eco-friendly hosting company located in Beauharnois. Since 2003, OVH is fully engaged in a process to reduce its energy consumption. We made the choice to have our servers in Quebec to promote work and local businesses.

For more information on our partner, stay tuned for our next articles or visit their website!

Kajoom: THE eco-responsible solution for web and digital services

In all its decisions and actions, Kajoom works to stand out as a web and green digital agency. We are proud to say that we are THE eco-responsible solution for web and digital services in Quebec and that we will continue to do everything possible to keep on that way!
Does your company care about its social and environmental footprint? You can count on our team and our experts to answer your questions and provide you with tips for improving the content of your website. Contact us: information@kajoom.ca