Our services

WordPress Maintenance Plan
Update service carried out regularly by a Web specialist for your WordPress, Joomla or Drupal site and the third-party extensions installed there (themes, modules, templates, plugins, widgets, components, libraries, language files).

Performance Web Hosting
When speed and security are top priorities, go for the mind-blowing performance of Nginx! We have designed the Performance hosting range with the best in security and speed. Experience it now!

Kajoom Cloud
The Kajoom Cloud is a very versatile cloud-based platform that brings together all your emails, calendars, tasks, notes, documents, passwords and more in one place. This information can be synchronized between your various devices, computers, mobiles, tablets, software, in order to have up-to-date information at all times, at your fingertips!

Domain Names
One of the first steps of a web project usually involves looking for a domain name to give it a presence on the web. We offer the ability to book and manage your domain names through our convenient and easy-to-use customer management interface.

IT support
IT is not your thing? Your company does not have its own staff of computer technicians and networks? Do you or your staff need training in a particular area of IT, office automation, or the management of new communication tools? Here's your chance: we offer it all at once, in an accessible, efficient and professional proximity service.

Business Solutions
The basis of your organization is your product or service: its quality, its cachet, its price. We optimize your processes using technology and IT to improve your product, the way it is delivered, managed, counted. We transform your most repetitive or boring tasks into an exciting and easy-to-use adventure.