Posts, a website that will make your head spin!
Pierre Lussier, wooodturner from the Lanaudière region, has managed to build himself a reputation of national span.
From Mandeville, by adoption, Pierre is totally passionate about his singular art since the 1970. He has perfected his techniques…

Kajoom.Ca, partners wtih la Fête des Semences de Lanaudière, 13e édition!
We are proud to support this year's 13th edition of the Lanaudière Seeds Festival with several companies and organizations in the region! This unique event is intended not only for gardeners, but also for lovers of good food, ecology, forestry and safeguarding plants heritage. This is a do not miss event on the weekend of February 25 and 26 in Saint-Émélie-de-l'Énergie.
Portfolio Items

La Ferme des Arpents roses
Ludovic Beauregard contacted Kajoom so that we could make him a "business card" type of website, with the aim of giving the Ferme des Arpents roses a digital showcase. The delivery period to be respected was crucial, as summer is the busiest…

Pierre Lussier – Wood turner
In order for Pierre Lussier's woodcutting works to spread throughout Quebec and Canada, we have optimized his site for search engines using the latest SEO techniques. We also translated his site into English to reach an even larger clientele.

Business Solutions
The basis of your organization is your product or service: its quality, its cachet, its price. We optimize your processes using technology and IT to improve your product, the way it is delivered, managed, counted. We transform your most repetitive or boring tasks into an exciting and easy-to-use adventure.