
WordPress Developer Job Offer
Are you a freelance developer who knows WordPress well? Here is a collaboration opportunity to work on different web projects and demonstrate your skills and creativity!
Task description
Under the responsibility of general management and…

Sales and Customer Service Manager Wanted
We are looking for a Sales and Customer Service Manager to take a leading role in relations with our customers, partners and suppliers.
Description of tasks
Under the responsibility of the general management, Sales and Customer Service Manager…

End of summer news at KAJOOM
The end of summer is also harvest time! At Kajoom, several seeds sown in the last few months have germinated and we are currently reaping the fruits of our work and our efforts to always offer you the best web and digital services.

Performance Web Hosting
When speed and security are top priorities, go for the mind-blowing performance of Nginx! We have designed the Performance hosting range with the best in security and speed. Experience it now!

Kajoom Cloud
The Kajoom Cloud is a very versatile cloud-based platform that brings together all your emails, calendars, tasks, notes, documents, passwords and more in one place. This information can be synchronized between your various devices, computers, mobiles, tablets, software, in order to have up-to-date information at all times, at your fingertips!